The first trailer of Shah Rukh Khan's movie 'Fan' is set to release on Monday, Feb 29. Yash Raj Studios, where the event will take place, has given SRK's die-hard fans a great opportunity by opening the gates to them for the launch event. Anyone who has dreamed of meeting King Khan in person, will now be able to meet the 'Badshah' himself at the trailer launch event. The team of 'Fan' is sending out invitations to everyone for the event. The invite reads, 'For the First Time Media Gates Open for Fans' with a picture of Gaurav aka SRK adoring his idol Aryan Khanna! In the movie, Shah Rukh Khan plays a double role- one is a superstar, 'Aryan Khanna' and other his diehard fan, 'Gaurav.' While we are still to catch a glimpse of the trailer.
Success is… playing your own fan in a movie where you are the superstar! Shah Rukh Khan has reached this pinnacle of success in Bollywood. His upcoming film 'Fan' is a testimony to King Khan's success. SRK will be seen in a double role in this film. However, the actor admitted that he used to get quite irritated while shooting for the film. He explained his statement saying that whenever he was playing the role of Gaurav, the obsessed fan, the prosthetics on his face used to make him sweat. This irritated him quite a lot. However, the humble and modest King Khan thanked his film team for bearing with him. He especially thanked Maneesh Sharma, the director of 'Fan', for helping him understand the character of the obsessed and passionate fan. Recently, Shah Rukh Khan was seen in a leaked video which showed the actor's immense energy as he danced carefree on 'Fan' song ‘Jabra fan.’
Shah Rukh Khan is creating much curiosity ahead of the release of his film ‘Fan’ which is scheduled to release on April 15, 2016. However, an SRK fan has shared a video of the shooting of a song sequence which shows SRK dancing like crazy in a balcony. And what certainly wins our hearts is his enthusiasm with which he performs, without a pause. Featuring in a double role, SRK will be seen as a diehard fan and a superstar in the film written and directed by Maneesh Sharma.
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