Bollywood actor Karisma Kapoor and her businessman husband Sunjay Kapur are all set to divorce by mutual consent as they signed the "consent agreement" in which she was given the full-time custody of their two children and the man was given adequate visitation rights over them.The "consent terms" was submitted before the Supreme Court, which has signed off on their settlement. On June 30, when the family court will take up the divorce petition, filed by Sunjay, it will formally grant the decree of divorce.
The couple, who married in 2003, have a daughter and a son.After the in-chamber hearing for more than an hour before a bench of headed by justice AK Sikri on Friday, the actor's advocate Sandeep Kapur said: "All pending disputes between the couple have been amicably resolved. It has been agreed that the divorce petition filed by the husband at a court in Mumbai will now be converted into divorce plea by mutual consent."
"Karisma was asked by the apex court to withdraw the case filed against him under the Protection from Domestic Violence Act in two weeks in view of the settlement arrived at today," the lawyer also said.Sunjay's lawyer Aman and Priya Hingorani said: "Karisma agreed for the quashing of the criminal proceedings initiated by her at a trial court in Mumbai under section 498A (subjecting woman to cruelty) of IPC and the apex court accordingly quashed it."
In their consent agreement, Sunjay has been given visitation rights for his children. He has agreed to transfer the ownership of the family's Mumbai home to Karisma.Earlier, Sunjay had agreed to pay Rs10 lakh for the maintenance of their children.
After separating in 2014 and filing for divorce, the couple swapped nasty allegations — Sunjay moved apex court alleging that an underworld don — Ravi Pujari — acted on behalf of her and threatened him against visiting Mumbai.
Karisma filed a criminal case against him on charges of cruelty and said the financial settlement he offered was unacceptable. Both parties have agreed to withdraw the complaints against each other.
The couple, who married in 2003, have a daughter and a son.After the in-chamber hearing for more than an hour before a bench of headed by justice AK Sikri on Friday, the actor's advocate Sandeep Kapur said: "All pending disputes between the couple have been amicably resolved. It has been agreed that the divorce petition filed by the husband at a court in Mumbai will now be converted into divorce plea by mutual consent."
"Karisma was asked by the apex court to withdraw the case filed against him under the Protection from Domestic Violence Act in two weeks in view of the settlement arrived at today," the lawyer also said.Sunjay's lawyer Aman and Priya Hingorani said: "Karisma agreed for the quashing of the criminal proceedings initiated by her at a trial court in Mumbai under section 498A (subjecting woman to cruelty) of IPC and the apex court accordingly quashed it."
In their consent agreement, Sunjay has been given visitation rights for his children. He has agreed to transfer the ownership of the family's Mumbai home to Karisma.Earlier, Sunjay had agreed to pay Rs10 lakh for the maintenance of their children.
After separating in 2014 and filing for divorce, the couple swapped nasty allegations — Sunjay moved apex court alleging that an underworld don — Ravi Pujari — acted on behalf of her and threatened him against visiting Mumbai.
Karisma filed a criminal case against him on charges of cruelty and said the financial settlement he offered was unacceptable. Both parties have agreed to withdraw the complaints against each other.
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